Daily Blogs

Sophia Bugnone

Daily Blog #1

Today I have started my video game project. I went into Poptropica and I created my avatar and started playing. I first went to Mission Atlantis, I had to get a key to this submarine but I couldn't get it.

Daily Blog #2

Today I went to Survival world. I had to keep moving if not I would freeze to death. I found a survival book, some logs and a newspaper but there was not much to so.

Daily Blog #3

I was in a flying race and the plane broke. My partner and I fell in an island, we found items to build a hot air balloon and we won the race. Then I accidentally exit it out the game.

Assignment 1:
What is the challenge that the game poses? (how do you die, lose the game, or get stuck?)
You can die if you run out of food, or freeze when you are in a survival island. You can get stuck if you don't complete the tasks if you are on a mystery island. 

What does the game allow you to do? (what are the game mechanics allow? e.g., running and shooting, multiple choice selection, or more complex interactions)
The game allows you to walk, run, jump, duck, talk to other players, collect things, and purchase items. 

Daily Blog #4

Today I went to time tangled island and I tried to figure out what happened to the sunstone. I collected a paper and I put on a mask to disguise myself. I asked everyone what happened but none of the led me to the solution.

Daily Blog #5

Today I went to the home island. I walked into the clothing shop, changed my outfit. Then I went to the pet barn and I got a pink puppy.

Daily Blog #6

Today I went to 24 carrot island. There, the carrots went missing. To try and solve the problem, I talked to everyone and walked into every building, but in the end there was nothing else to do.

Daily Blog #

I was in a flying race and the plane broke. My partner and I fell on an island, we found items to build a hot air balloon and we won the race. Then I accidentally exit it out the game.
